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Home » Climate change and the law » Climate Change at Compass 25th June 2011

Climate Change at Compass 25th June 2011

Climate change appears to have fallen off the agenda, according to Polly Tonybee this afternoon. Toynbee argues that the issue is serious, long-term and diffuse, with no obvious clear enemy, but it is this issue that matters. She believes that it is much better to take a specific issue, such as insulation, where people can be employed to improve the economy.

Caroline Lucas believes that we do not “need” nuclear power, as such, when considering where best to invest money. Lucas proposes that we are better off putting into renewables in terms of economics, obviating rigging of the electricity market (e.g. s.102 of Energy Bill, providing more subsidies to nuclear power). She believes that it is not viable, not particularly efficient, or safe. Lucas believes it is crucial to explain the importance of green issues to children in local constituencies in terms that they understand, for example living more healthily. Notwithstanding, according to her, it is the next few years that matters.

The Bill is here.

Discussion of s.102 in the Guardian is here.



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