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Home » NHS » You wouldn’t get a plumber to mend your fuse box. so why would you let Farage near the NHS?

You wouldn’t get a plumber to mend your fuse box. so why would you let Farage near the NHS?

fuse box

I saw up close and personal how some people vote in elections. My mum asked me to work out how to package her postal vote using the declaration, ‘envelope A’ and ‘envelope B’. Whilst I did not actually see how she did the vote itself, I did ask my mum how come she did the vote in seconds.

“It’s what I always vote.”

I can well believe that. She attends, like many, the NHS – in her cataracts. She will have a procedure done on the NHS, and yet I know she has very little in how the NHS works.

She has only ever attended our local A&E in London with me very infrequently. We had to queue for hours, but we put this down to being infrequent attenders, ‘being unlucky’, ‘to be expected’ etc.

I bet you if that if  you were to ask my mum about section 75, or clause 119. If you asked her about Jos and the other Lewisham campaigners, she would immediately start smiling though.

That nice man, Nigel, is possibly a man you might like to have a drink with, particularly if you liked drinking. I definitely do not wish to imply he’s a problem drinker, despite wishing to be down the pub during the day.

But in much the same way you wouldn’t like a plumber to mend your fuse box, the chances are you wouldn’t like UKIP to run the NHS.

You might be tempted ‘to give them a go’, particularly if you feel the elections do not matter.

But the factors stopping you voting from UKIP require you partly to have decided that they would be incompetent at running the NHS.

It is incredibly difficult to work out what  the official UKIP policy on the NHS. It appears that they’re in favour of the usual corporate memes of ‘private sector efficiency’ – for all we can tell they would have been in favour of section 75.

They appear to be in favour of free trade, but not necessarily as a member of the European Union. I have never heard them voice an opinion on the EU-US free trade treaty investor protection mechanisms. This may or may not change the landscape of how multinational corporates can take over running of bits of the NHS, and get away with it.

Nigel Farage simply fell apart in his interview with Andrew Neil, but I don’t suspect many people in the general public watched it carefully. I know my mum for example couldn’t care less that his tax policies, i.e. how you pay for the NHS, are simply incoherent.

So I don’t particularly need to make a rational argument that Nigel Farage and UKIP running the NHS would be like getting the presenters of BBC News to do complicated brain surgery.

They might win a sizeable proportion of the vote, but, when it comes to the general election, their offerings on health, education, world affairs, benefits, home affairs, and foreign policy will mean they will never be asked to form a government.

They keep Question Time and Any Questions amused, as well as other current affairs programmes, and I dare say they’ll do sufficiently well in the European Elections to ensure they continue being invited to perform their hopeless skit.

But it would take an earthquake of some sort for my mum to wish to vote for them. That’s why I don’t think they’ll make it.

  • Tom Williams

    Today I received a letter from the NHS kent asking me to verify my doctors surgery address as in March I had had a visitors appointment in a different county.
    The letter included a separate A4 document asking me if I could not understand english to ask for this in many alternate languages.
    I thought “great for inclusiveness” & “not so great for the environment”. This is a small example of why some people are voting UKIP, surely the NHS knows I speak english so why the waste of resources?.
    Why is is the NHS sent 2 letters when an email would have done?
    Why is there not a field data input that stipulates the preferred language used for communications?
    Why is there not an email response option?

    People are angry at the failure of the 3 main parties and so turn to UKIP because they have had enough of a political system that is so inherently corrupt. It’s just a pity that UKP are as much in the hands of the banking class as the rest.

    As an advocate of democracy I am happy people vote, it’s just sad the choices are so limited, and that Labour didn’t bring in proportional representation whilst they had those 13 years of warmongering.

  • Mervyn Hyde (@mjh0421)

    Simplistic solutions are easier to plant into peoples subconscious than well thought out policies such as how you actually expand the economy to create jobs.

    UKIP use the old right wing fear tactic of being swamped by immigrants which Hitler also used to great effect when he blamed the Jews for the failure of the capitalist system in the 1920s.

    A very over worked word in our English language is the word COMPETITION. Another simplistic economic formula that is expressed over and over again without any genuine reflection on what it actually achieves.

    Competition is the first port of call for politicians who describe the failure of the capitalist system as not having enough competition, which over the last forty years has been systematically introduced and made matters worse, the worse things get the greater call for more competition.

    Ha-Joon Chang describes many of the shortcomings of the capitalist system as well as condemning the current misguided belief in global free trade.

    We import the vast majority of finished goods from China and the rest of the world, mostly products that we previously produced.

    It isn’t more competition that will solve that, but real government initiatives and investment in state industries that created the things the private sector had not even thought about, the internet was created in America by an Englishman working for the American government.

    The private sector wants guaranteed profits, they are less interested in investment and training, hence our actual inability to compete although trying to compete with China is already a lost cause,

    which is why we need to look at real job creation at home using state finances, believing we can compete in a global market is just dreaming the “American Dream.”

    We created the Concord, using state money, Tony Benn was the minister responsible, just think what is possible if we have the right people in power, and why free enterprise capitalists character assassinated him.

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