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Home » Labour Health Policy » Labour’s “Health and Care Policy Committee” sets out its policy programme

Labour’s “Health and Care Policy Committee” sets out its policy programme


Please note


And as Val says


This policy consultation paper has been produced by the Health and Care Policy Commission following discussions and the taking of submissions from members of the Labour Party and its affiliates and from members of the public, businesses and charities, as well as the Shadow Cabinet-led Policy Review. It sets out the policy programme that the Policy Commission considers appropriate in the light of what we have learned to date. Following the consultation and amendment process, along with the papers produced by the other Commissions, it will go forward to Labour’s Annual Conference in September 2014 for adoption.

Health and Care Policy Consultation

  • Mervyn Hyde

    “By contrast, the Government’s free market approach has seen competition used to break up successful NHS services. In a system of collaboration, Labour supports the principle of NHS preferred provider” – that NHS

    This is why I do not trust Labour, collaboration does not mean collaborating with the private sector; it means collaborating together inside the NHS.

    Labour supports the “preferred provider,” that by definition means we accept that the private sector has a place in the NHS, well I don’t accept that nor should any other thinking socialist.

    The private sector has no place in the NHS. It ceases to be the NHS if we contract out to the private sector.

    I don’t trust Andy Burnham,

    The politicians are lying to you about the so called deficit. Todays pronouncement in the Guardian that Osborne will not meet his economic targets should now be sending signals saying this Austerity programme is not adding up.

    For those that find that difficult to understand here are some diagrams that spell it out in it’s simplest form.



    Although these diagrams refer to the American economy, it is identical to ours, but instead of the Federal Bank we have the Bank of England.

    We have the money, any politician that tells you differently is lying.

    Labour are a Neo-Liberal party, they told us they had learned from those mistakes, they are now also lying to us.

    I am sorry to have to put this in such direct language but people believe that this is the Labour party when this not, it is new Labour; that is trading on the name Labour. The leadership is no different to the Tory party, which is why we hear them repeat the deficit lie, which they know is a lie.

    This country has got to start asking simple questions, like if we balance the budget, how do we get growth?

    How does Austerity produce growth?

    Margaret Thatcher created the myth of good housekeeping for the nation, the economy has been in terminal decline ever since. When is the capitalist system going to produce the jobs it promised? Where are the real jobs they promised?

    Our economy is being run and controlled for the benefit of the Financial sector. Isn’t it time people woke up.

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