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Home » Law » You must be LegalAware, like Yogi Bear!

You must be LegalAware, like Yogi Bear!

This is a brilliant film, which can be obtained on DVD, Blu-Ray and even downloaded. Yogi Bear, stealing picnic baskets, would of course be an offence against the Theft Act (1968), assuming that Yogi wished to appropriate dishonestly a picnic basket belonging to another person, with the intention of permanently depriving the picnic basket’s owner of it. This website does not condone such behaviour, although the law would be unclear about the specific case of the agent being non-human. Whether or not the property is entirely living ‘material’ can be a moot point, meaning that the statutory definition may not be satisfied; of course, if Yogi and Boo-Boo eat their spoils, it’s easier to argue that they had intended to deprive permanently the other party.

This post is dedicated to twitter legal bears everywhere, including LegalBizzle, who’s ‘so smart it hurts’.

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