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Home » Law » If you update all apps on your ipad and the thing freezes this is what I did

If you update all apps on your ipad and the thing freezes this is what I did

By the way, I am not asking you ‘to do this at home’. On my #ipad, the App Store advised me to update all 18 of my apps. I waited for about an hour, and nothing happened apart from all of them saying ‘waiting’, and I then found out from the iStore on my MacBook Air to which it’s synchronised that I had no available downloads. So what I did, and this works because I regularly synchronise my apps with my laptop, was to delete all the apps and re-install them (by resynchronising). The only fiddly bit was remembering to upload all my pdfs, but actually this was a good thing as this time I only uploaded the ones i wanted to.










I tweet here by the way – please follow if you’re remotely interested in issues to do with English or international law: @legalaware.

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