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On May 5th

A lot of people do not like the direction of the Coalition, including the NHS reforms latterly.

There are very many talented candidates in all parties.

The public is genuinely divided about the case for cuts, and AV.

Most people do not consider AV a burning issue.

Most people consider both campaigns regarding AV quite nauseating (unless you’re directly involved with them).

The Conservatives and Labour Party members have become rather polar in their opinions.

All of this means it’s unsafe to predict what will happen. The LibDems may do better than expected. I suspect the Conservatives will also get some LibDem seats in certain places, but overall it should be a reasonable election for Labour.

Beware the ides of March

Forgetting AV for one moment..

I think people should be encouraged to vote for the Coalition on their results as well as their aspirations for the future. If it happens that you are not bothered about poor growth, flat interest rates, rising inflation in the short-term, rising unemployment, poor GDP, the majority of universities providing courses for £9000 with minor concessions for the really poor, a debacle over forests, a fast “hatchet job” of the NHS and social care, withdrawal of “Building Schools for the Future”, scrapping of EMA and SureStart, sure, fine, vote Conservatives or Liberal Democrats.

But if you wish to cut the deficit faster, and 100% not 80%, sure vote Conservatives or Liberal Democrat. The thing is you will still have the situation above, or the consequences of it in a few years’ time, and you could see the English economy completely grind to a halt. This will make it even harder for your chosen LibDem and Tory councillors to provide local services in the community.

The LibDems make this minority Tory-led government possible. Unless LibDems voted on bloc, you’d have a debate and you’d have a choice. As it is, you don’t really have any choice at all.

Oh yes, you got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the voting system (a bit). Whooppeedoo.

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