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If I were in a Con/LibDem marginal, I'd vote LibDem

Yes, I am really angry at Nick Clegg having backtracked on everything I thought he stood for – especially the cuts and tuition fees. Yet, despite my strong reservations, it’s clear that the architects of this faulty plan – especially the deranged Health and Social Services Bill – are the Conservatives. The likelihood is that the referendum to AV will pass a ‘no’ vote, but I feel that if I had a difficult choice between a Conservative and LibDem winning, in spite of my ‘you know where you stand with the Conservatives’, I would much rather not return an unmitigated Conservative local council. This is because I fundamentally disagree with David Cameron and George Osborne, whether it be on the economy, the NHS, education or the Big Society. With some exceptions, I am overall very impressed with those LibDems who have a social conscience. When it comes to the MPs at Westminster, the same difficulty will emerge, and my feeling is that AV won’t make it much better; whilst tactical voting might be more likely under AV, it would be wrong to imply it’s not happening at the moment.

So it really is a difficult one – but the one who has remained unaffected by all this is David Cameron, whose leadership appears to go from strength-to-strength. He was won much unga-bunga factor by waging war against AV, and I suspect he hopes to do the same in Brussels. If he can attract some of the UKIP vote, he may even think to form a minority government with the UKIP party in 2015. The LibDems in the meantime have made their bed, which makes it painfully difficult for some of us. By not voting, we are guaranteed to give the Conservatives a greater share of the vote.

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