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When cultural change catalysts turn into inhibitors

catalyst 1

To argue that ‘cultural change catalysts’ can turn into inhibitors is, as quite usual for the management literature, is re-inventing the wheel.

The idea is that ‘catalysts’ in cultural change act like catalysts in chemical reactions. Exploring this analogy further, catalysts in chemical reactions do not produce more of the intended products, speed up the generation of the product, and are unaffected by the process.

I do not feel that this analogy is appropriate, on account of the three arms of the quality of what a ‘catalyst’ is.

I am unconvinced that there has been more of the “intended products”. How you measure these ‘key performance indicators’ is more of the domain of people with a management training rather than experienced practitioners or clinicians.

The number of re-tweets on Twitter is a metric of sorts, but so is the traffic to a page 3 supermodel on the internet.

In my own field, has the number of retweets of tweets containing the term ‘living well with dementia’ led to a ‘transformational change’ in what people understand to be wellbeing?

I doubt it.

Do ‘cultural change catalysts’ speed up the generation of the product?

I am not convinced about this either. In fact, I would like to propose that the #hashtag activism can put a lot of people off from participating.

The people who are put off, ironically, are exactly the sort of people this campaign was trying to embrace – people at the “edges”.

People at the “edges” will not be able to become the Chief Inspector of Social Care at the Care Quality Commission through wacky ideas on Twitter.

Conversely, they might be singled out for worth ‘keeping an eye on’ in a negative sense.

When I know of well meaning people who have been diagnosed with severe mental illness for the first time having worked in the National Health Service, this is not trivial.

Nor is the fate of whistleblowers, and the inadequacy of the Public Interest Disclosure Act (1998).

And whether “radicals” are in fact “radicals” demands proper scrutiny.

I have often marvelled at the term “shared values” of corporate glossy prospectuses. Such shared values in my experience have been used to stamp out diversity, freedom of expression, and to encourage a rigid sense of conformity.

We’ve seen a similar mathematical approach to an analysis of when ‘hipsters’ become ‘conformists’.

When people doing their job in the health and care systems take to Twitter to talk of their resentment of non-clinicians and non-practitioners talking of ‘radicalism’, you have to begin to worry.

This ‘radicalism’ is the ultimate sin for what innovation management values, in my experience.

Innovation management is, if anything, all about ‘environment sensing’ and making connections between different disciplines. If a part of your environment ‘resents’ your work, it’s time you should NOT adopt an approach of ‘there is no alternative’ and continue with #boatrockers regardless.

And my final concern?

That catalysts are unaffected through the process.

I am not entirely convinced about this, as there is scope for a two-tier system of ‘registered catalysts’ and those who are not.

Of course, business management has taken two prongs of attack latterly – promoting competitive advanced and increasing shared social value.

The increased shared value, I argue, can be so intense so as to be quite off putting.

And when the same beneficiaries are at the same events with the same awards and the same projects, with the same commissioning targets, compared to others who have not participated in ‘catalysing the transformative change’, you do really have to query whether they are genuinely unaffected by the process.

Is the drug industry “stopping dementia in its tracks” or in actual fact “running out of steam”?

Sometimes you have to trust people to get on with things.

That’s why headlines saying fracking under homes could go ahead without permission don’t help.

And the reported assimilation of ‘caredata’ into the NHS information “borg”, without clear valid consent, is running into problems.

We cannot sign off every single decision about how each £ is spent in the ‘fight against dementia’ as it’s called. But the issues about care vs cure in dementia is running into the same problems with imbalance in information as fracking and care data. This threatens seriously to undermine trust in policy leaders supposedly working on behalf of us in tackling dementia.

The origins of the phrase “stopping dementia in its tracks” are obscure. Stopping something in its tracks may be somehow related to the phrase “running out of steam” for nineteenth century railway trains “running out of steam”, or coming to a sudden end when travelling. Is the drug industry “stopping dementia in its tracks” or in actual fact “running out of steam”?

To stop something in its tracks, nonetheless, is a popular metaphor, as it tags along with the combattive ‘war’ and ‘fight’ against dementia theme.


While there’s been a need to focus on bringing value to lives with dementia, much of the fundraising has involved painfully pointing out the costs. A study conducted by RAND Corp. for the federal government earlier in 2013 found that nearly 15% of people ages 71 or older, or about 3.8 million people, now have dementia. Each case costs $41,000 to $56,000 a year, the study found. By comparison, direct expenses in the same year for heart disease were $102 billion. The study also tried to get a handle on the cost of informal care, which is often provided by family members in their homes. It pegged that cost at a range of $50 billion to $106 billion a year.

In a press release dated 24 January 2014, the Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) are reported in their “Drug Discovery Programme” as offering up to $1.5 million to new research projects which could speed up developing treatments for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia. It is hoped that international collaboration could help make the hope of finding effective dementia treatments within the next ten years a reality. This call is open for research looking at all forms of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. This international call for research proposals comes just weeks after the G8 Dementia Summit in London called for more global collaboration in dementia research in order to develop effective treatments by 2025.

It is described in this promotional video as “halting dementia in its tracks”. To “halt something in its tracks” literally means “stop (dead) in something tracks to suddenly it stop moving or doing something”.

A previous research grant from the Alzheimer’s Society looked at fruit flies. It was for Dr Onyinkan Sofola at University College London for £208,277. It started on October 2007 and was completed on September 2010. The researchers developed a fruit-fly model of Alzheimer’s disease where the flies accumulated amyloid, and investigated the involvement of “GSK-3″ on the behaviour of the flies. It was hoped that dialing down GSK-3 in healthy flies also did no harm suggesting this approach could work as a safe therapy for Alzheimer’s disease in humans.

Ahead of the G8 Dementia Summit in London last year (11 December 2013), Professor Simon Lovestone, Institute of Psychiatry, but soon to be at Oxford, set out what he hopes the Summit will achieve, the challenges of developing new therapies for dementia, and the real possibilities of one day preventing this devastating disease. The Summit was supposed to bring together Health Ministers from across the G8, the private sector and key international institutions to advance thinking on dementia research and identify opportunities for more international collaboration, with the ultimate aim of improving life and care for people with dementia and their families.

The G8dementia summit was described as a response thus by the BBC website:


Drugs currently used to treat Alzheimer’s Disease have limited therapeutic value and do not affect the main neuropathological hallmarks of the disease, i.e., senile plaques and neurofibrillar tangles. Senile plaques are mainly formed of beta-amyloid (Abeta), a 42-aminoacid peptide. Neurofibrillar tangles are composed of paired helical filaments of hyperphosphorylated tau protein.

New, potentially disease-modifying, therapeutic approaches are targeting Abeta and tau protein. Drugs directed against Abeta include active and passive immunisation, that have been found to accelerate Abeta clearance from the brain. The most developmentally advanced monoclonal antibody directly targeting Abeta is bapineuzumab, now being studied in a large Phase III clinical trial.

In the 1980s, the amyloid cascade hypothesis emerged, and it was the most long considered theory. It is based on the ?-amyloid overproduction as responsible for the senile plaque formation and for the neurotoxicity that leads to the progressive neuronal death. However, controversial data about if ?-amyloid is the cause of the disease or one of the main risk factors for AD are reported.

A further postulated theory at the end of the past century was the tau-based hypothesis. It is based on aberrant tau protein, a microtubule-associated protein that stabilizes the neuronal cytoskeleton, as the origin of Alzheimer’s pathology. There have been two phase IIb clinical trials with two different compounds, tideglusib and methylene blue. Both compounds have reported some positive results in the increase of cognitive level of AD patients after the first treatments on phase IIa clinical trials.

In the meanwhile, intensive research on the physiology and pathology of tau protein leads to the discovery of two kinases responsible for its posttranslational aberrant modifications. After cloning, these kinases were identified more than ten years ago, including the now well-known glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3).

The excitement of this “GSK3 hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease” is described here in this paper with Professor Simon Lovestone as last author.

But all may not be as well as it first appears.

GSK-3 inhibition may be associated with significant mechanism-based toxicities, potentially ranging from hypoglycemia to promoting tumour growth. But encouragingly, at therapeutic doses, lithium is estimated to inhibit approximately a 25% of total GSK-3 activity, and this inhibition degree has not been associated with hypoglycemia, increased levels of tumorigenesis, or deaths from cancer. Currently it’s hoped, in pathological conditions, the GSK-3 inhibitor would be able to decrease the upregulation of the enzyme and, in the case that this treatment would slow down the GSK-3 physiological levels, other compensatory mechanisms of action would play the restorative function.

Therapeutic approaches directed against tau protein include inhibitors of glycogen synthase kinase- 3 (GSK-3), the enzyme responsible for tau phosphorylation and tau protein aggregation inhibitors. NP-12, a promising GSK-3 inhibitor, is being tested in a Phase II study, and methylthioninium chloride, a tau protein aggregation inhibitor, has given initial encouraging results in a 50-week study.  Fingers crossed.

Another important challenge for a GSK-3 inhibitor as an AD treatment is its specific brain distribution. The drug needs to cross the blood-brain barrier to exert its action in the regulation of exacerbated GSK-3 brain levels. Usually this is not an easy task for any kind of drug, moreover when oral bioavailability is the preferred administration route for chronic dementia treatment.

And once it gets into the brain, it has to to go to the right parts where GSK-3 needs to be targeted, not absolutely everywhere, it can be argued.

Nonetheless, the enthusiasm about the approach of drug treatments is described on Prof Simon Lovestone’s page for the Alzheimer’s Society.

However, Professor Lovestone’s research group has run into problems when trying to demonstrate their findings in mice, an important step in the research process. The problem is that mice do not naturally develop Alzheimer’s disease, and it is even difficult to experimentally cause Alzheimer’s disease in mice.

We may soon have to face up to the concept, with the current NHS having to do ‘more with less’, and ‘with no money left’, ‘we can’t go on like this’. It would be incredibly wonderful if you could give an individual a medication which could literally ‘stop dementia in its tracks’. But even note the scientific research above is for Alzheimer’s disease, one of the hundred causes of dementia, albeit the most common one. Or we may have to stop this relentless spend on finding the “magic bullet” in its tracks, and think about practical ways of enhancing the quality of life or wellbeing of those currently living with dementia. Nobody reasonable wishes to snuff out hope for prevention or cure of the dementias, but, for a moral debate, the facts have to be on the table and clear. Every money we spend on investigating magic bullets which don’t work could have been spent in giving a person living with dementia adequate signage for his environment, or a ‘memory phone’ with photographs of common contacts. But the drug industry, and the people who work with them, never wish to admit they’re running out of steam.

The broad church of legal #tweeps in the UK

In many ways, #Twitter is a joy, because it is potentially very democratising, allowing anyone to have a dominant presence on it, whether he or she be a GDL student, a member of the House of Lords, or a University Professor. However, it can be so easy to equate the number of followers on Twitter with quality. Legal tweeps in the UK don’t approach the heights of this notorious international tweep

Or maybe

Or maybe

Or maybe

It would in fact be dead easy to give the appearance of a large number of followers by a lack of blocking of spambots.

The starting point must be that the community of #legaltweeps in the UK constitutes a broach church. There are reliable #legaltweeps who are often ‘first’ with the breaking legal news, and who can offer a quick informed, detailed, well-evidenced commentary.

Unfortunately, some #legaltweeps, perhaps through having a high follower number, demonstrate personality traits akin to ‘narcissistic leaders’. The anthropologist Michael Maccoby in the Harvard Business Review offered this observation:

“Such love of the limelight often stems from what Freud called a narcissistic personality. Narcissists are good for companies in extraordinary times, those that need people with the passion and daring to take them in new directions. But narcissists can also lead companies into disaster by refusing to listen to the advice and warnings of their managers. It’s not always true, as Andy Grove famously put it, that only the paranoid survive. Most business advice is focused on the more analytic personality that Freud labeled obsessive. But recommendations about creating teamwork and being more receptive to subordinates will not resonate with narcissists. They didn’t get where they are by listening to others, so why should they listen to anyone when they’re at the top of their game?”

Interestingly Maccoby offers advice for such individuals, which presumably include narcissistic #legaltweeps:

“Narcissists who want to overcome the limits of their personalities must work as hard at that as they do at business success. One solution is to find a trusted sidekick, who can point out the operational requirements of the narcissistic leader’s often overly grandiose vision and keep him rooted in reality. Another is to take a leap of faith and go into psychoanalysis, which can give these leaders the tools to overcome their sometimes fatal character flaws.” 

So, there you have it, it would be sensible for such tweeps to have a reliable ‘sidekick’. How might you spot such behaviour in the first place? Here’s part of the timeline of @iamsuperbreally:

Keeping such tweets in view of the public in timeline is a trick well known to marketers. Retweeting praise for you is a phenomenon known as ‘shilling‘ in marketing, for example:

Celebrity endorsements‘ are one way of promoting your product, and if you can display a demand for what you’re writing about, in the form of a complimentary tweet, that’s all well-and-good.  It is clear to me and some of my friends I’ve spoken to at #tweetups that some #legaltweeps fancy themselves as a ‘gatekeeper’ for budding other tweeps, in a sort of ‘I can make or break their career’ way.

For encouraging ‘leadership following’, the ‘cultural web‘ has long provided that the judicious use of prizes can be used to harness a semblance of peer respect and recognition, and popularity, for example:

In this example, @iamsuperbreally apparently has made it onto an exclusive list of well-recognised #legaltweeps, and it appears that @iamsuperbreally doesn’t mind showing off in public that he or she even knows the judge (@creep4) socially!

Some #legaltweeps are genuinely expert, however, so here is @iamsuperbreally offering a comment on a study published by the Bar Standards Board. Twitter can cater for such a heterogeneity of tweets.

However, such a timeline can easily degenerate into a splurge of self-glorification, akin to this shown by @iamsuperbreally earlier today:

A full analysis of how legal #tweeps interact involves ‘social network’ theory, described briefly in Wikipedia as follows:

social network is a social structure made up of a set of actors (such as individuals or organizations) and the dyadic ties between these actors (such as relationships, connections, or interactions). A social network perspective is employed to model the structure of a social group, how this structure influences other variables, or how structures change over time.[1] 

Particularly interesting is here how certain #tweeps act as ‘lead users’ in the community, and how tweets may ‘diffuse’ across the whole network depending on, for example, popularity of certain individuals within the network and the rate of re-tweeting. Within that network, some tweeps can not only serve to promote the tweets of others (‘promoters’), but can try to dampen as best they can the tweeting activities of others (‘inhibitors’). This may be to protect ‘vested interests’, or to protect a microcosm of tweeting activity, or just purely accidental.

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