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Grad Diary are looking for interviews about experiences at corporate firms

Joseph from Grad Diary is looking for anyone who has undertaken a training contract/internship/job at any banking/law/accountancy firm that appears on the Grad Diary website. You can follow Grad Diary on Twitter.





‘Grad Diary’ has sections on application deadlines, a company director, ‘insider interviews’, ‘a CV Clinic’, professional tips and a dynamic forum. The information given about them on their website reads as follows:

Grad Diary has been set up by its two founders with the goal of making job-hunting easier for UK graduates.

At the beginning of 2010 we conducted a detailed survey of students across university campuses in the UK in order to find out what information they wanted to know on the companies that they were applying for. With this information to hand we set out to build the most comprehensive and detailed database of information on over 800 graduate recruiters in the UK that were mentioned by name in our student survey.

On completion of the database we then went back those same students and from the follow on research we collected set about building Grad Diary, a website that would focus on being easy to navigate, up-to date, impartial and present information clearly.

Suggestions for interviews should be sent directly to Joseph will then be able to explain the details or conditions concerning the interview.

This article appears out of the goodwill of LegalAware, and there is no financial relationship between GradDiary and LegalAware (nor with BPP).

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