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Home » Gordon Brown and Citizens UK

The hundredth post, a good society and a new blog.

I posted this video on May 6th on the date of the election as the first ever post on my blog. This is my 100th post on the blog. You will have noticed that this blog has a new appearance. The message is the same as the first one. The Coalition got in effectively by accident by the Conservatives failing to win a majority despite all the backing in the world. Gordon Brown saved the banks, and increased the structural deficit also to improve public sector services, in fact matched by Osborne. Without the banking sector, the economy would have imploded further, and it is extremely depressing that the beneficiaries are imposing cuts that will make millions unemployed, and see a massive decline in growth by the beginning of 2012. I will be sincerely delighted if I am proven wrong. RBS and 5 Nobel Prize winners don’t think I will be, by the way.

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