Very best wishes to @legalbizzle for his fresh start tomorrow.
Regular readers of this blogpost this morning will have wondered whether it was an April Fools’ Day joke, but it’s certainly true that @legalbizzle starts his new job tomorrow. @Legalbizzle strikes anyone reasonable as being inclusive of stakeholders in society, being very hard-working himself, incredibly patient, seen as a respected team leader, and passionate about explaining the complex relationships between law and business.
I certainly wish @legalbizzle well – he’s one of the good guys. He’s also an outstanding blogger – here’s when he hit the big time with an article in “The Guardian” on Nov 18 2011, which many of us very fondly remember.
Very best wishes!
[This video also stars @_millymoo, @obotheclown, @paulbernaluk, and @princessofvp.]
Best wishes video for @LegalBizzle