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Why is Apple so successful?
I have just completed my marketing course for my MBA. In this course, we have looked at the branding and market positioning of products, and how they are ultimately priced. Apple’s marketing strategy (and distribution channels) continues to interest me. I wonder how it chooses to develop new products, and retains its competitive advantage.
Aspirational socialism: socialism should be about quality too
I am about to commence my MBA in a leading business school in London. Latterly, therefore, I have been reading the autobiographies of successful entrepreneurs, such as Duncan Bannatyne, Richard Branson and James Caan. Whilst they seem somewhat mystified about how they have become successful, or what the precise purpose of a business in, they are all absolutely certain about the focus of a business: to put the customer first.
I am socialist, and proud of it. I have two messages for Sir Stuart Rose, and Richard Branson, not I expect them to be hearing this. I was incredibly impressed by the standard of service of Marks and Spencers when I was in the Marble Arch branch off Oxford Street yesterday. I went with my family, and it was a joy to be there.
Furthermore, I travelled as a disabled passenger from London Euston on Virgin Trains to Coventry this afternoon. The train was immaculate, the train left bang on 14:23 (I know because my laptop is synchronised to the atomic clock), and the disabled assistance was faultless. The assistance was respectful, and avoided totally being patronising.
It does make me wonder though about my ideals in socialism. I am clear that I want socialism to improve standards for the ‘underclass’ as Tony Blair calls them, admitting it is a loaded term, in “The Journey”. I do not want to see rich, successful, leaders to be dragged down in level out of some drive towards punitive equality. I think this is perfectly possible, if socialism can be aspirational, as indeed Andy Burnham tried to argue, before he was much maligned for it.
The trademarks (brands) of Virgin and Marks and Spencer are known for affordable quality inter alia. It is incredibly important that people in the public sector feel incentivised to work with appropriate levels of pay for the amount of work they’re putting in. But equally, also, it is essential that rich bankers are not paid excessive bonuses, where their performance has not been good at all, such that there is no incentive to deliver a good result for the country even if they are profiting in the process.