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Tag Archives: Labour Left
How Dr Eoin Clarke has done a huge amount of good in a short space of time
I have never written this post for a reason. That reason is that Twitter and Facebook are full of people, in my own party and beyond, who try desperately hard to belittle the hard work and sincere dedication of members of the Labour Party. At the age of 39 in two months time, I have no idea why people behave like this. Often people harbour very naked ambitions for themselves, or vicariously wish to promote certain people. But enough’s enough. I have had experience of being bullied a long time ago, and sometimes you’re expected to say nothing. This is not that time.
I first met Dr Éoin Clarke on Twitter some time ago, at roughly the same he was establishing ‘The Green Benches’, before I attended a meeting at his invitation at Portcullis House. I enjoyed this meeting enormously. I was immediately struck with the precise way in which he constructed arguments, which at the time was a very rare quality. There were only a handful of people in the blogosphere who merited recommendation on that basis, including Sunny Hundal who continues to be extremely influential in the blogosphere. I have witnessed Dr Éoin Clarke as he has simply grown from strength-to-strength, and his commitment to discussing issues has been rarely been in any doubt. He has embraced difficult issues such as the Bedroom Tax or NHS reforms, and not been frightened to raise awareness of such matters in a way that inspires people at large.
There is absolutely no doubt that the Liberal Democrats are pathetic beyond belief, advocating a ‘strong economy’ and ‘fairer society’, when they have been utterly useless at both. Even so-called ‘Liberals’ find their stance on secret courts weird, and Keynes would certainly be turning in his grave by how the Liberal Democrats have brought the UK economy to its knees in the space of three years. People like Nick Clegg and Simon Hughes continue to ignore, remorselessly, the case of how bank recapitalisation was necessary as an emergency measure but led to a worsening deficit, but they are professional politicians. Totally principleness, and thirsty for power.
The Conservatives’ economic plan has been a disgrace, with everyone hoping that the economy will not further deteriorate. They only have managed a record number of people in employment, by giving workers the worst employment rights they have ever experienced. They have shut down libraries, withdrawn infrastructure spending, brought in a whole raft of policies to help their corporate cronies, totally shafted disabled citizens in the UK, and are behaving as if they won a massive majority in 2010. They didn’t, all the more pathetic as they had all the media virtually on their side. The Conservatives not only lack strategy and direction, but their operations management and tactical performance remain abysmal.
What goes around comes around. I look forward to Labour Left going from strength-to-strength, including the hard work of Dr Éoin Clarke, Mags Newsome, Grahame Morris, Brian Moylan, Bev Clack, Steve Walker, Richard Murphy, Michèle Paul, James Leppard, Andy Hicks, Rhiannon Lockley, Seema Chandwani, Val Hudson, all the MPs who’ve supported Labour Left from the beginning, and many more.
I know they are extremely dedicated to this important cause, and I wish Labour well in the local elections.
Shibley's Labour Party Conference in Manchester 2012
Saturday 29th
Socialist Health Association
And please note that we are having a meeting of the SHA Central Council
at 2pm on Saturday 29th September, also in the Friends Meeting House
Sunday – September 30th
Deeper Democracy: can parties reconnect people and politics?
Time: 12:45 – 14:00
Featuring: Stella Creasy MP, Peter Kellner (President, YouGov), Caroline MacFarland (Respublica), Kathryn Perera (Chair) (Chief Executive, Movement for Change)
In association with: Centre:Forum, Respublica
Five Million Votes presents Winning New Voters: Should Labour Lurch to the left or right?
Time: 17:45 – 19:15
Featuring: Rowenna Davis (Councillor, Southwark) (Chair), Lord Stewart Wood (Strategic adviser, Ed Miliband), Steve Hart (Chair, CLASS), Rachel Reeves MP (Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury), and Luciana Berger MP (Shadow Minister for Climate Change).
Five Million Votes in association with the Fabian Society
Venue: Lord Mayor’s Parlour, Manchester Town Hall
The Fabians
Fabian Question Time: Labour’s Alternative
Time: 20:00-21:30
Speakers:Andy Burnham MP, Dan Hodges (Daily Telegraph), Owen Jones (The Independent), Polly Toynbee (The Guardian), Chuka Umunna MP and Alison McGovern MP (chair)
Monday 1
Labour Left
Labour Left Conference Event – “Poverty & Consumer Debt”
Policies to help the poorest in our society survive and escape debt
Free and Outside The Party Conference Cordon
Grahame Morris MP – The Working Poor
Karl Turner MP – Consumer Debt & Poverty
Jon Ashworth MP – Poverty and Inequality
Ian Mearns MP – Food Banks and Child Poverty
Date: 1st October 2012 | Time: 12pm – 2pm
Venue: Mechanics Centre 103 Princess Street Manchester M1 6DD
Booking: Email: eclarke04@qub.ac.uk | For Bookings Via Facebook
Growing Pains: How to rebuild the economy and restore trust
Time: 18:00-19:30
Featuring: Rachel Reeves MP (Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury), Brendan Cook (Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management, HSBC), Maurice Glasman (Labour Peer), Richard Lloyd (Executive Director, Which?) and Larry Elliot (Chair) (The Guardian)
In association with: HSBC
Labour’s Policy Review: The Shape of Things to Come
Time: 19:45 – 21:30
Featuring: Lord Andrew Adonis, Jon Cruddas MP (Chair, Policy Review), Angela Eagle MP (Chair, National Policy Forum), John Denham MP (editor, The Shape of Things to Come) and Andrew Harrop (Fabian Society) (Chair)
Tuesday 2
Labour Left
Labour Left Conference Event – “Keeping The ‘N’ In The NHS”
Free and Outside The Party Conference Cordon
John Cryer MP | Chair
Andrew Gwynne MP | Opening Address
Dr Eoin Clarke | The NHS – What Will Remain In 2015
Professor Bob Hudson | How To Repeal The NHS Bill
Date: 2nd October 2012 | Time: 12pm – 2pm
Venue: Purity Manchester, 36 Peter Street, M2 5GP Labour Left Conference Event – “The Only Way Is Ethics”
Labour Left
Free and Outside The Party Conference Cordon
Part One: Business & Financial Ethics 4:15pm – 4:45pm
Cathy Jamieson MP | Banking Ethics
Chi Onwurah MP | Ethics in Business
Part Two: Ethics In Society 4:55pm – 6pm
Tom Watson MP | Ethics in Press
Professor Beverley Clack | Ethics in Society
Margaret Waterhouse | Chair
Date: 2nd October 2012 | Time: 4:15pm – 6pm
Venue: Purity Manchester, 36 Peter Street, M2 5GP
Chinese for Labour
Immigation: Where now for Labour?
6 pm. Yang Sing Restaurant (Magnolia Room) 34 Princess Street, Manchester M1 4JY
LabourLeft has an opportunity to define a new style of economics for Labour
LabourLeft is a rapidly evolving movement within Labour. Labour was privileged to be in government between 1997-2010, with some massive achievements under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for which we can feel very grateful.
Unlike the Big Society, LabourLeft is liked as an entity, and has both credibility and respect amongst members of the general public. Individually, Andy Shaw, Darrell Goodliffe, David Harney, Dr Tristan Learoy, Gary Sanders, Grahame Morris MP, Professor Beverley Clack, Rhiannon Lockley, and Richard Murphy and The Green Benches (Dr Eoin Clarke) represent powerful contributors, but the gestalt of the whole is even greater than that. They all believe passionately in ethical socialism, and more importantly the country, partly in response to a deep revulsion at how certain corporates have conducted their business from alleged phone hacking to employing vulnerable citizens in workfare, are desperate for a society where people do not feel threatened.
Some time ago, I was very kindly invited by Eoin to the launch of GEER, its forerunner. I remember the talk given by Eoin vividly, explaining some of the background of where we’d got to and how, and Grahame gave an excellent presentation on the inconsistencies in the implementation of ‘Nudge’ which I enjoyed enormously. Here are some pictures which I have never published before. Zeph/James was really nice, and I met ‘Paul St Pancras’ and Sunny Hundal for the first time. It was a very nice afternoon.
Now that the dust is settling, and, hopefully strengthened in our morale by a catacylsmically incompetent Tory-led government, I hope Labour will not squander an opportunity which might be offered in May 2015 for Ed Miliband to be asked by HM The Queen to lead a Government. There is no doubt that the economic policy of austerity has been a spectacular failure, with the Government increasing deficit faster and borrowing deeper than even they expected. It has been a disaster all round, with a powerfully catastrophic effect on the infrastructure of this country, include police, legal aid, support for disabled citizens, and, last but not least, the naked privatisation of the NHS. I strongly urge you to think about how you can contribute to piecing together a new agenda which is ‘fit-for-purpose'; here is more information about the new ‘Red Book’.
I hope Labour can go back to its roots. That is to represent workers, who actually are the wealth generators. Without them, this country would fall apart. They need employment protection to prevent them being exploited, that’s why we have unions. An agenda based purely on maximisation of shareholder dividend can lead to ‘wilful blindness’, and it’s no longer acceptable for Government to pit one section of society against another (e.g. public vs private, Unions vs non-Unions).
Labour has to govern for the whole country, value immigrants for what they contribute to life in the UK, seek an optimal quality-of-life for all citizens, ensure that all citizens are fairly rewarded with a living wage at least, and nobody is overly rewarded disproportionate to the amount they contribute. Labour made a massive mess of explaining why it had decided to recapitalise the banking system thus making the deficit worse, but the Keynesians have been utterly vindicated. If LabourLeft can put people above profit, it will at last have a lasting legacy. Personally, I think the greatest disaster of the Blair/Brown era was the commodification of public sector services, which put more emphasis on cost than value. Labour’s modern economic policy must be firmly embedded in value and behavioural economics, but should not be so over intellectual so as to disenfranchise the very people it seeks to represent.