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Dr Neil Bhatia’s #CareData flow chart

This is Dr Neil Bhatia on Twitter here, @docneilb.

Feel free to contact him over opting out from #CareData.

Here Phil Booth (@MedConfidential) campaigner battling against erosion of valid consent, so essential plank for the medical profession, and Tim Kelsey (@TKelsey1), a guru in big data for the NHS, battle it out.

Flow chart

Care data flow chart

  • bhfisher

    I think is reasonably safe from the confidentiality point of view. It could be made safer by pseudonomisation at the level of the general practice. This is not easy but is already being done for other kinds of data.

    The law should be changed to either prevent private companies getting at the data or charging a large and appropriate price for it. Currently, I think the price for any amount of data is £1.

    It should be made far clearer that people can opt out and how to do so. The current govt flyer is dangerously vague.

    There needs to be good oversight of the committees who decide whether to release identifiable data to research groups or corporates.

  • Clutter

    I think Dr. Bhatia’s most excellent care data flow chart addresses the issues the NHS leaflet ignores. If I hadn’t already opted out, I would opt out now. I shall forward it to family and friends who probably scooped the NHS flyer into the recycling bin.

  • http://hotmail Maria

    Every one to say NO

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