People will remember that I enjoyed very much the last legal #tweetup that I attended. The next ‘do’ will be at The Old Bank Of England, 194 Fleet Street, London, UK. London TweetingLegals (organised everytime successfully by Shireen Smith of Azrights – personal website of Shireen) is a regular meet-up in the capital to connect lawyers and related professionals, and law bloggers together. Azrights was set up to provide good value Intellectual Property (IP) focused, IT, and Internet law services of high-quality. It is dedicated to providing the innovations the market needs. These are indeed challenging times for professional legal services firms, and the alternative business structures, and the stakeholders within them, as well as, of course, clients, customers, and the general public.
Shireen has a very relevant post here, how lawyers should perhaps position themselves in the new deregulated market.
Are lawyers getting it right giving free advice to prospective clients to impress them with their lawyering skills
For more information contact Shireen Smith, of Azrights,
To come along, please go to this page. The event is on September 26th, roughly between 6.30 and 9 p.m.
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