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Shared values of the BPP Legal Awareness Society


Here’s our new brochure:

BPP Legal Awareness Society Brochure 2012

Shared values fundamentally shape what we do in the BPP Legal Awareness Society. It is these which make the Society what it is.




We seek to do the very best we can in promoting all aspects of the law, including the reputation of the profession and the highest standards in legal education.


An ambition for success


We wish to be recognised as a leading member of the student society community, both within BPP and in the outside world of law school societies in the UK. Our proactivity matches our ambition, and that is how as a student society we should wish to exceed all expectations made of us.




We believe in the power of collaboration, collegiality and teamwork, and we have an open, approachable style. Our unified team bridges more than one site of BPP, and is at heart of all of all activities. The lack of barriers between disciplines, a real lack of hierarchy, zero tolerance for arrogance, clear thinking and mutual support all typify our working style. We appreciate that a happy team is a productive team, so we wish everyone who has involvement with our team to have a positive experience.




We wish to paint accurately “the big picture” about the dynamic and exciting nature of commercial transactions in the UK, and how law and regulation lie at the heart of these. Clients are the linchpin of these transactions, and the Society will discuss openly the drivers for success in a range of a different clients.


Continuous improvement ?and pushing forward the boundaries


We welcome change and innovative ways of doing things, particularly in terms of being “forward thinking” in explaining business law. We have the confidence to challenge existing thinking and to push boundaries through a strong ethos of collaboration.




Our strength comes from a strong awareness of the importance of business in the community and service at large, not only considering the shareholders and directors of companies, but also the rich community of stakeholders involved. We wish our discussions to be open and transparent about business law, but not just confined to groups of people directly involved in this part of life.


Accessibility and inclusion


We are proud of our Society and value the representation of the people and cultures within it. In our Society people are encouraged in their preparation for practice, and succeed according to their merits. We are especially passionate about accessibility and inclusion, whether students are disabled or whether they have come from underprivileged backgrounds.

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