Anyone at BPP is welcome to attend our meetings of the BPP Legal Awareness Group at the BPP Business School, St Mary Axe.
The meetings will be approximately twice-a-month.
They will all be in room G2.
Wednesday 15 June 2011 5- 6 pm : Debt finance
Wednesday 29 June 2011 5 – 6pm : e-commerce
They will each consist of a short presentation, followed by a discussion of a recent case involving close teamwork between the legal and business worlds. The focus of the meetings will be from a business perspective. No prior legal knowledge is needed.
All you need to do is turn up. If you wish to contribute something in advance, please feel free to email
Apologies that the first two meetings may coincide with the exams for the GDL and LPC. We have deliberately organised the starting date to avoid clashes with the MBA exam timetable as well.