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LegalAware blog survey


I’ve now concluded my LegalAware blog survey. I wished to have a rough inkling of which blogs are widely read already. I used as the basis for this survey my current blogroll which can be viewed on the left-hand column of this website.

About 40 individuals replied to it.

Respondents were invited to indicate blogs which they had read. There was no limit on the number of choices which could be made, and respondents were told that all data would be anonymous, private and confidential.

Rather than do a list of any description, I’ll be using the findings of the survey as the basis of writing a contemporary synthesis of challenging posts, written by individuals that you reported being already aware of.

I will also, however, be making copious reference to links from legal/society blogs you may be unaware of, including more ‘niche’ blogs.

I won’t be giving an indication of which blogs are perceived as more widely read. I hope that the spirit of mutual collaboration and encouragement will lead some blogs to be more widely read in what I feel to be an exciting genre for legal journalism.

Please feel free to either tweet me openly or DM me with any blogs which you feel have escaped my attention. This is not about ‘picking winners’, but encouraging each other.

I hope to begin my series of posts soon, but I have been busy with my LPC course myself at BPP, which I enjoy greatly (but which is also rather time-consuming).

The BPP Legal Awareness Society, for all BPP students, is proud of its core value of inclusivity and accessibility, and the discussion about all relevant blogs I hope will reflect this. All the discussion will be positive, but will not include blogs which have already asked to be not included.

After the publication of this series of posts, the background findings from this survey will be immediately deleted.

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