“Big Voice London” (follow @BigVoiceTwitter on Twitter here) are a youth project supported by the UK Supreme Court, working with young people in London to explore issues of legal identity and empowerment.
Their website gives a description as follows.
“These courts are theirs, to protect their rights. A representative, committed group of students can demonstrate to the London legal world why that is, and must remain, true.
To see us on the Supreme Court website visit:http://www.supremecourt.gov.uk/docs/pr_1101.pdf
Those involved in the project are divided into three groups, which are:
- Diversity and the Law
- Legal Agency
- Legal Heritage
The students meet with legal experts, undertake research with their peers and take part in dynamic workshops to empower them to voice their own thoughts and opinions. The project also contains opportunities for professional development and chances to increase practical skills. The young people we work with are from poorer areas of London and generally do not have access to contacts or detailed advice about the legal world.
Please explore this website and contact us if you would like further information.
Keep up to date with all our exciting news, competitions and updates by following ‘bigvoicelondon’ on Twitter and/or liking us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/gT2IDc.“
This job advertisement is originally posted on this webpage.
Legal Volunteers (x 3)
Unpaid – voluntary
Job Details:
Pro Bono Opportunity: Youth Project supported by the Supreme Court.
The UK Supreme Court is supporting a youth project run by volunteers to empower teenagers from under-privileged backgrounds. The project explores legal access, equality before the law and the democratic legitimacy of the legal system.
Legal volunteers are wanted to guide the project, organise the sessions and help the young people taking part prepare high profile briefing papers for legal policy makers and materials for schools.
This is the second year of Big Voice London. This project offers volunteers with an interest in working in the legal sector the opportunity to be part of a pro bono project supported by the Supreme Court, which will allow them to make contacts, meet senior lawyers, enhance their understanding of the court systems both here and internationally and raise issues that are important to the right to free trial.
This project is volunteer-led and so volunteers need to demonstrate excellent organisational skills and commitment. Since it is volunteer-led all volunteers will have the opportunity to shape the vision on the project by bringing their own passion, experience and interests to it.
We are looking to recruit 3 Group Leaders, who will run weekly sessions for groups of 8 – 15 young people. Group Leaders need to be able to commit 5 hours a week from August – December 2012.
Closing Date: 1 August 2012
Interview/Start Dates:
Starting in August 2012. We may appoint before the closing date for this advertisement.
Job Contact:
To apply please send your CV and a covering letter containing the following information:
- Highlight your most relevant previous experience
- Say why you would like to be involved with this project
- If you are a student say where and which course you are studying (and which year of the course you are on)
- Give your full name, email address and a contact phone number
Send your application to: bigvoice2011@gmail.com.