‘Legal Recruit’ is a new, innovative platform for law students to practice online verbal reasoning test skills in advance of their training contract application. Its location is here.
The deadline for the current set of applications is in 13 days’ time from the publication of this blogpost; that is, midnight on the evening of July 31, 2012 (i.e. before August 1, 2012).
For nearly all firms, you will have to do an online verbal reasoning test within about a week of submitting your online application form. The most common suppliers of this test are SHL and Kenexa, and we hope that practise using the ‘Legal Recruit’ platform will be beneficial.
We have two prizes to give away. In this competition, nothing to do with BPP in any respect, we are giving away two free on-line accounts. The lucky winners will be able to have free unlimited access through a username and password which we will provide confidentially straight away. The winners will then have access to 15 online full-length verbal reasoning tests (30 question test, 19 minutes), and 4 situational judgement tests. Please check with your law firm what the precise format of your real test will be.
Regardless of whether you win the competition or note, you might find these free resources useful in preparation of this test:
A factsheet of free worked examples
December 2010 free book of 150 worked examples for online verbal reasoning tests
April 2011 free book of 150 worked examples for online verbal reasoning tests
Book 1 (verbal reasoning) book sample
Book 2 (situational judgement) book sample
Background to verbal reasoning tests
Background to situational judgement tests
Background to competences (the critical abilities all law firms look for)
Background to difficulties and online assessments
How to complete the online application form for training contract applications
How to write a cover letter for training contract applications
To take part in this competition, all you have to do to is to provide a name, where you’re studying (this can be for any university and for any subject), an email-contact address. You also need to be a candidate for a training contract in the UK either this season, or in the future. If you follow the @legalaware thread on Twitter, it will be useful to include your twitter handle name, but this is for identification purposes, and nothing to do with determining winners of the competition. You need to provide all of this information to the email bpplegalawarenesssociety@gmail.com with the subject line ‘legal recruit competition‘.
And you need to answer the following questions correctly:
1. Which competence is best summarised by the following description?
“Do you hold yourself to the highest standards of performance even when the going is tough? And are you passionate about continuously raising and refining your own performance levels? Do you persevere when pursuing a project, but remain flexible if there are obstacles in your way?”
2. You might need to ask for extra time in certain conditions requiring reasonable adjustments from a legal recruiter. One such condition is described as follows:
“A combination of abilities and difficulties which affect the learning process in one or more of reading, spelling and writing. Accompanying weaknesses may be identified in areas of speed processing, short-term memory, sequencing, auditory and/or visual perception, spoken language and motor skills. It is particularly related to mastering and using written language, which may include alphabetic, numeric and musical notation.”
What is this name of that condition?
3. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE in the eyes of most legal recruiters?
“Teamwork is considered crucial to functioning well as a trainee/junior in a corporate law firm.”
The answers are all to be found on the ‘Legal Recruit’ website. The deadline is 5 pm, Wednesday 18th July 2012.