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BPP Student Societies – Legal Awareness Society








The BPP Legal Awareness Society is one of the most popular student societies at BPP.  Its entry on the official BPP students website is here (the foot of this page is where you can join if you are a present, past or future student of BPP).

Its mission is to further awareness of the importance of law and regulation in corporate strategy. It complements the introductory lecture on ‘business awareness’ given at the beginning of the BPP Legal Practice Course module in Business Law Practice (“BLP”).

There is a team of 19 podcasters currently, which is set to begin its recordings in the beginning of March, led by Katie-Claire. The podcasts are a joint initiative by the BPP Legal Awareness Society and the BPP Commercial Awareness Society to communicate with the general public the importance of transactions in the City and the fundamental strategic decisions taken by all stakeholders.

The Society actively promotes accessibility and inclusivity in society, especially for disabled law students. It furthermore is very much involved in an independent project called ‘Legal Recruit’, with the intention of helping law students negotiate online psychometric tests for vacation scheme or training contract placements. This platform has lots of free material, including factsheets, videos and worked examples, including tips on how to complete the online application form and how to write a cover letter.

The Society is encouraged by Laila Heinonen, BPP Chief Executive of Students.

‘Legal Aware’ has a prominent presence in the social media. Our Twitter thread currently has over 3,270 followers, and 160 individuals on Facebook have liked our profile. Again, both are updated virtually updating, with links to the wider network of Legal Aware. A growing group is ‘In search of the elusive training contract’, again on Facebook.


The officers of the society are as follows.

President and Disability Officer, Shibley

Vice-President and Corporate Firm Liaison Officer: Gizem

Meetings Coordinator: Sam

Corporate Firm Liaison Officer: Claudia

Local Communications Officer: Rebecca

Corporate News Editor: Zerbakht

External affairs Co-ordinator: Majid

New media and podcasts Officer: Katie-Claire

BPP CA Society Liaison Officer: Harry


Meeting 5 Thursday 1 Mar 2011 Social media and technology, room 2.4, 5 – 6 pm

“The Facebook IPO” and “Introduction to online verbal reasoning tests”

Meeting 6 Thursday 15 Mar 2011 Taxation and business accounts, room 2.4, 5 – 6 pm

“What next week’s budget might show” and “Introduction to situational judgement tests”

Meeting 7 Thursday 3 May 2011 Share acquisitions, room 2.4, 5 – 6 pm

“Recent share acquisitions by City law firms” and “Introduction to numerical reasoning tests”

Meeting 8 Thursday 17 May 2011 Insolvency and English company law, room 2.4, 5 – 6 pm

“Famous companies facing financial difficulties” and “Overview of the online application form for training contracts”


The Society thus far has not sought funding for any of its activities, including up-keep of its popular blog. This blog is updated virtually daily, and reflects the activities of BPP in the community, as well as wider City news; for example, we recently covered the forthcoming ‘Walk the Thames’ event to raise funds for legal aid (and law centres).  If you are interested in helping to support the activities of the Society, or wish to suggest a speaker, please contact Gizem using our email

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