The GoldenTwits are an annual award scheme that aims to celebrate the most active and respected twitter users. The twitter account I am referring to is at!/shibleylondon
Why do you deserve a GoldenTwit award?
as a sign of recognition for my love of twitter
When tweeting what are your objectives?
inform, entertain, reflect opinions of my friends but challenge them
What have you achieved?
surviving a 2 month coma in 2007 before becoming disabled
What’s your favorite Twitter application?
Why should people vote for you?
Other worse people have won excluding some dear twitter friends
How would you descibe twitter to non-tweeters?
Pleasant. Down-to-earth. Honest.
What do you tweet about?
politics and life in general including my disability, and my contempt for legal aid cuts and my dislike of the Big Society concept
What is your biggest annoyance on Twitter
To vote for me, please visit this website,