One of the things I learnt quite early on in my recovery from alcohol was that it was easy to ‘think too much’. Or as it became known in my recovery group – a bit ironically – “over-intellectualise”.
I feel that people generally will find excuses not to vote Labour, rather than robust reasons.
Take the economy for example. The conversation normally starts, by them: “Well, Labour ruined the economy didn’t they?”
Then you have to explain how putting the money into the banks cost £1 trillion, but the deficit had been roughly similar to all previous governments.
“By the way, do you remember how the Conservatives opposed that policy at the time?”
Complete silence.
Labour is currently doing a detailed policy review, and I think the results will be incredibly interesting.
I am not particularly impatient for the results of this any more, nor for what eventually appears in our 2015 manifesto.
I think many policy strands are in a continuous state of confusing flux. The policy on ‘free schools’ by the main parties appears to change rather frequently.
But it’s pretty true, from where I’m sitting, that people are sick to the eyeballs by this government.
I am sure that Ed Miliband and his team know what they’re doing. And I wish them luck as usual. However, going into massively detailed discussions about our policy is always going to be a waste of time if we can’t communicate them.
I personally don’t believe that the only way is neoliberalism.
However, many supporting in the Labour Party don’t think so either.
But anything must better than this shower.