Soon thankfully the US elections will be over (or are over by the time you’re reading this.) Many Labour voters will be praying that Mitt Romney doesn’t elected, particularly with a doctrine familiar in this country as distributed by the Conservatives. That ‘trickle down’ economics work, and ‘privilege can be spread’. This is of course a very Conservative way of looking at things, as the Conservatives “don’t do ‘organic'”. What about the Big Society? The Conservatives believe in community activism in the way that some people still believe in Santa, but this is far more sinister. “The Big Society” is a vehicle for venture capitalists to ‘pick winners’ and invest in projects with measurable outcomes. It’s about as organic as the huge NHS Commissioning Board, which has jokingly been called, “the biggest QUANGO” in the sky.
There is no sensible economics reason why CEOs with excessive salaries should wish to distribute their wealth with others; the Conservatives, for example, try very hard to stop them having to share their wealth with the State through Inheritance Tax. CEOs with excessive salaries are not ‘worth’ more than the Specialist Registrar on the Care of Elderly Ward running a cardiac arrest team at 3 am. If Facebook, ebay, Amazon, Starbucks, or Vodafone are so concerned about redistribution of wealth, why have they all been implicated in complicated legal mechanisms of tax avoidance using idiosyncracies of the multi-jurisdictional corporation tax scheme.
Instead, there is a powerful culture amongst the Conservatives of “top down blame” and “top down lies”. The Conservatives are reluctant to discuss how they wished to match Labour’s spending plans in the previous Comprehensive Spending Review, refusing to acknowledgement between any spending and maximal satisfaction in the NHS. The fact that emergency recapitalisation of the bank was performed as a last resort, necessarily increasing the deficit, is never mentioned as that might reduce the efficacy of the cardinal ‘top down lie’ on the causes of the deficit. That the UK might go down the path of Greece and is on the verge of going bankrupt is another great lie. That the bankers should not be punished or take on any responsibility for their own actions, irrespective of the state of regulation, seems to be pervasive amongst Conservatives who wished to ‘cut the red tape’ of the City; for years, the Conservatives had been warning about how too much red tape could mean the City losing its competitive advantage, but now we have a legacy where the LIBOR scandal and other fiascos mean that foreign countries would rather not trade in the City, in much the same way you would not wish to tread knowingly in dog shit. And as for the economy stupid? The energy markets aren’t competitive, because they’re oligopolies, but you’ll never see the Conservatives blaming the highly successful shareholders of companies that they created? And as for the fiasco in the exam boards? You’ll never see the Conservatives blaming the exam boards, it’s the hard working teachers leniently marking their scripts, and, yes, they happen to be members of teaching unions. Not because they’re the classic example of “market failure” from oligopolies once again.
So, it’s left to thousands of people to fall off the Disability Living Allowance register, and the Conservatives hope that this will go unnoticed – except it won’t at the time of the 2015 General Election. The big top down blame for the deficit goes to those ‘benefit scroungers’ who present as a minute fraction of the overall benefit budget; the Conservatives claim that they find this rhetoric from the media unintended on their part, but do not actively stop it. It is claimed that some claimants have even committed suicide, but is anyone in the Conservative Party responsive about the claim (even enough to deny that there has been a relationship?) Lord Heseltine and the Conservatives do not of course take any blame for the lack of growth in the UK economy, instead with Heseltine producing 86 recommendations, but the more serendipitous explanations like the throttling of consumer demand through the VAT hike and the lack of infrastructure projects such as the murder of ‘Building Schools for the Future’, both direct actions of George Osborne, do not feature in the BBC-led media discussion and complicated weaving of a rich tapestry of lies. There’s nothing ‘trickle down’ about the Conservatives, apart from trickle down blame and lies.