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Home » Dr Shibley Rahman viewpoint » A personal statement about what I will say to the General Medical Council tomorrow morning

A personal statement about what I will say to the General Medical Council tomorrow morning


I will be giving my evidence tomorrow, to seek humbly restoration to the General Medical (“GMC”) Medical Register. I’m encouraged that the GMC states clearly it wishes to support sick doctors, through initiatives such as the Practitioner Health Programme, with leadership on this matter from their CEO, Niall Dickson. I intend to present my evidence to the GMC that I want to draw a line on my former self, which I do not substantively recognise at all. If anything else, I have now chronic disabilities and have pursued recovery from severe alcohol dependence syndrome since my life threatening coma of six weeks in 2007. The cardiac arrest and epileptic seizures which I had were possibly the defining end to a very painful period in my life.

I will argue that it has taken years of support from my friends to arrive at a place where I have come to terms with such an unpleasant past. I will offer a full apology to the medical profession therefore, and ask forgiveness for disgusting events which caused the medical profession disrepute. I hope that, through various books and articles on postgraduate medicine and English health policy, I have shown my commitment to a profession, which I should like to give a re-birth following a nine year undergraduate degree in medicine at Cambridge (1993-2001).


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