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Vive Le Birkenhead!

Paul O’Grady speaking from the heart. Good for him!

Miliband Aid

@gideonsaysyah suggests that Miliband Aid could plug the deficit; a sensational pop concert to raise billions for the UK economy. Would this work?

Dr Shibley Rahman is a research physician and research lawyer by training.

Queen’s Scholar, BA (1st.), MA, MB, BChir, PhD, MRCP(UK), LLB(Hons.), FRSA
Director of Law and Medicine Limited
Member of the Fabian Society and Associate of the Institute of Directors

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Competition Winner : Walaa Idris and 'Strictly English'

Many congratulations to Walaa Idris, whose blog site is here, for submitting a near-perfect answer to my question earlier. She wins a copy of ‘Strictly English’ by Simon Heffer, which is a detailed discussion of the use of the English language.

PS Her (Blue) blog is well worth a look!

Well done to:

Here is the complete solution

Shibley Rahman Experiment : Can I get the word 'DECLEGGIFYING' into the OED?

I will pay the OUP £1000000 if I can get the word ‘decleggifying’ into the OED 2011!
Best wishes.

Dr Shibley Rahman

Queen’s Scholar, BA (1st.), MA, MB, BChir, PhD, MRCP(UK), LLB(Hons.), FRSA
Director of Law and Medicine Limited
Member of the Fabian Society and Associate of the Institute of Directors

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For Diane Abbott MP for running a brilliant campaign

I think Diane Abbott has run the best, most principled, campaign of the whole leadership contest.

I don’t think Britain will be fit to elect a black Prime Minister for several decades.

Anyway, that doesn’t reflect on Diane’s abilities or principles in my opinion.

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