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Home » Dementia » Time for a new regeneration. The New Secretary of State for Dementia.

Time for a new regeneration. The New Secretary of State for Dementia.


Ed Miliband looks a bit awkward eating a bacon sarnie, or simply looks a bit “weird”. This man doesn’t look like your next Prime Minister?

But switch back into the reality. A cosmetic reshuffle where the present Coalition had to ditch a Secretary of State more toxic than nuclear waste from Sellafield to transport in a catwalk of tokenistic young hopefuls, “governing for a modern Britain”.

And engage a bit with my reality: where English law centres have been decimated, nobody is feeling particularly “better off” due to the cost of living crisis, GPs have been pilloried for being “coasters”, criminal barristers have gone on strike, or you can’t get your passport on time.

Whisper it quietly, and nobody wants to admit it, that despite all the concerns that Labour will front another set of middle-class neoliberal policies, Labour is in fact going to walk it on May 8th 2015 as the new UK government.

This will obviously be quite a shock to the system, and you can already feel the Civil Service behind the scenes mentally preparing themselves for a change in flavour for the dementia policy.

The current dementia policy had “Nudge” fingerprints all over it. “Customer facing” corporates could become dementia friendly so as to allow market forces to gain competitive advantage for being ‘friendly’ to customers living with dementia.

The Alzheimer’s Society got thrust into the limelight with the Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge, ably supported by Alzheimer Research UK, to offer the perfect package for raising awareness about dementia and offering hope for treatment through basic research. This private-public partnership was set up for optimal rent seeking behaviour, with the pill sugared with the trite and pathetic slogan, “care for today, and cure for tomorrow.”

Except the problem was that they were unable to become critical lobbying organisations against this Government, as social care cuts hit and dementia care went down the pan. Dementia UK hardly got a change to get a look in, and it looked as if a policy of specialist nurses (such as Admiral nurses) would get consigned to history. They are, after all, not mentioned in the most recent All Party Parliamentary Group report on dementia.

It is widely expected that Labour’s NHS policy will be strongly frontloaded with a promise of equality, which the last Labour government only just managed to get to the statute books. Insiders reckon that this policy will be frontloaded with an election pledge with equality as a strong theme.

In the last few years, it has become recognised that caregivers feel totally unsupported, people get taken from pillar to post in a fragmented, disorganised system for dementia with no overall coordinator, and there are vast chasms between the NHS and social care treatment of dementia.

The next Government therefore is well known to be getting ready for ‘whole person care’, and it now seems likely that the new Secretary of State for Health and Care under a new government will have to deliver this under existing structures. This will clearly require local authorities and national organisations to work to nationally acceptable outcomes for health and wellbeing through empowered Health and Wellbeing Boards. This will help to mitigate against the rather piecemeal patchwork for commissioning of dementia where contracts tend to be given out to your friends rather than the quality of work. Health and Wellbeing Boards are best placed to understand wellbeing as an outcome (which can become missed in research strategies of large corporate-like charities which focus on care, cure and prevention).

And the switch in emphasis from aspirational friendly to a legal equality footing is highly significant. The new policy for dementia under the new Secretary of State will be delivering what people living with dementia have long sought: not “extra favours”, but just to be able to given equal chances as others. Environments will have signage as reasonable adjustments for the cognitive disabilities of people living with dementia in the community under the force of law, rather than leaving up to the whim of a corporate to think about with with the guidance of a fundraising-centred charity to implement.

With the end of the Prime Minister’s Dementia Challenge in March 2015, which has been highly successful in places in delivering ‘dementia friendly communities’, a commitment to improved diagnosis rates and improved research, it is hoped that the next government will be able to take the baton without any problems. It will be quite a public ‘regeneration’ from Hunt to Burnham, but one which many people are looking forward to.

  • Mervyn Hyde (@mjh0421)

    As a long standing member of the Labour Party and now lapsed, I have to say that it is with a great deal of sadness that I have no confidence in New Labour to deliver any form of recognisable changes that will re-establish our NHS as a front line provider of care.

    For the first time in my life I will not vote Labour at the next election, but any opposition such as Left Unite, NHA, or Green, this sadly is the only safe way to progress, Labour talk glibly about trying to safeguard the NHS and accept assurances from secret negotiations of the TTIP agreement- that the NHS will be protected when experience elsewhere in the world under similar agreements prove otherwise.

    We don’t actually need this agreement but allow secret negotiations to take place in order to push it through, that alone should make people think. The idea that this will increase the prospects of jobs is farcical and absolutely without evidence. What it does is to enshrine into law the ability of huge corporations to sue nation governments.

    New Labour are not Labour, they are Neo-Liberal everything Ed Miliband said he would change during his leadership campaign- Labour members remain uncritical of,

    We are sleepwalking into a nightmare, there was a recent poll taken about the privatisation of the railways with 25% of southern Tories saying they would vote Labour if they re-nationalised it, and the weak response from Ed Miliband was he would allow the state to compete in the tendering process.

    As you said Shibley, when people speak the politicians prevaricate and obfuscate.

    There are indeed some very good Labour politicians still in the Labour Party, those should be recognised and saved, but the rest are just career politicians like “The Taxis for hire,” and we really can’t afford to taken in by them.

  • Shibley Rahman

    Thanks Mervyn. Many share your concerns, as you know. Helpful comment.

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