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Home » Book » Thanks to Gill (@whoseshoes) for capturing the happiness of friends at my book launch for ‘Living well with dementia’

Thanks to Gill (@whoseshoes) for capturing the happiness of friends at my book launch for ‘Living well with dementia’

I don’t go to “trade fairs” where people display their latest ‘products’ for dementia. I am an outsider, and very happy to be so so.
But I do feel my book is having an impact slowly with the right people.

For example:


These are just some of the messages in the ‘little black book’ I was given at my book launch for ‘Living well with dementia’ (details here). Ones not shown have not been excluded out of any malice. I am hugely proud of people who kindly made it to Camden to celebrate my book on February 15th 2014. I am of course hugely indebted to Gill Phillips (@WhoseShoes) for presenting me with this ‘little black book’, which I promise to cherish forever. #KoalaHugs

And the last word is left to #KoalaHugs:

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