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Fed up of being smeared

Note to BBC : I am simply lucky to be alive

Actually, I’m very happy to be alive today. My parents are still very distressed as we speak as I have no future in law or medicine; in fact, I am really worried what to do for a living now with my six degrees in law and evidence. Life is very precious to me. I now longer drink since this admission to a NHS Trust in North London. This admission was launched by an epileptic fit and then a PEA cardiac arrest, where the brilliant doctors at the hospital managed to regain cardiac output after two cycles of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. That’s why when all is said is done, despite my involvement as a doctor in the NHS, I love the NHS. In that particular hospital admission, I then was in a coma for six weeks, but then I was transferred to a superb neurorehabilitation unit also in London.

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